mY MEDIUMs aRE Words and Threads

… my chosen material is my source - primarily the me behind my voice - but I refer to all voices especially those that veer towards the monstrous, and the unsaid. Next comes word, language, my akward home … then threads, fabric, but also the threads of ideas, then paper and pen, notebooks often sketches and diagrams, scores for language… some gouache I’m keen on the dryness of plaster, and the computer. I work across the lot, its called cross-disciplinary or trans-disciplinary which really means I, my work and my mediums can’t easily be put into one box. I like that. Each mode and medium informs the other … for example the white space between words and the shapes of letters as well and the threads connecting meaning are constantly at play with each other. in my work I love my chose of mediums. I love being a medium of … ( ) the fluid, the hybrid

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